CUWIN CWV2 Hardware Upgrades
CUWIN CWV Windows CE panel PC has been given a hardware upgrade and named CWV2.
Models Affected
256MB NAND Flash
All Models
MCU Embedded RTC
Highly Accurate DS3231 RTC
All Models
LCD Brightness
070BR & 070WR
The CWV2 remains functionall
May 28th 2017
Restoring a CUPC to its Factory Default State
Every CUPC panel PC has a recovery partition that contains a disk image for
restoring the CUPC to a factory default state using the included WinClon
utility.It is an a simple, easy, and very quick way to return a CUPC panel PC to a functioning state.We've created two videos to illustrate the procedure:
Restoring the CUPC to a factory default stateCreating a custom restore image and restoring a CUPC to its state.View the Videos
Apr 4th 2017
Adding Custom Fonts To the CUWIN
Sometimes it may be necessary to add custom fonts to improve the aesthetics of a user interface, or to add support for additional languages.
1. Obtain a .ttf file for the custom font, and copy it to either the CUWIN's flash memory (i.e. the "\Flash Disk" folder) or the CUWIN's SD Card (i.e. the "Storage Card" folder)
2. To view the font in the Visual Studio designer, change the control's font in the Visual Studio properties window.
3. In the Form's
Load eve
Jun 8th 2016
jControls CF35: A Free .Net Control LIbrary for CUWIN Windows CE Panel PCs
We are pleased to announce the release of
jControls CF 35, a free .Net Compact Framework control library for the CUWIN Windows CE Panel PCs.
jControl CF35 overcomes many of the limitations .Net Compact Frameowork and Windows CE, delivering providing anti-aliasing, alpha blending, gradient fills, and more.
All controls have full designer support in Visual Studio 2008 Professional for a true WYSIWYG GUI design experience.
Documenation and downloads can be obtained from our new do
Apr 4th 2016
Creating a CUWIN Modbus RTU Master with NModbus
NModbus is a free and open source implementation of the Modbus protocol for the .Net Framework and .Net Compact Framework. It is currently hosted at but there are also other forks on Github. This blog post will describe how to get started using NModbus with the CUWIN.After downloading and extracting the NModbus binaries from the repository, there will be two folders inside the "bin" folder: "net" and "netcf". "net" is for the .Net Framework, and "netcf" is f
Oct 21st 2015