ComfileHMI Remote Control Web Client and Android App
Beginning with v2.97, the ComfileHMI panel PC can be viewed and operated remotely from any device with a modern web browser, including smartphones and tablets. Simply enable the Remote Control Server in the panel PC's runtime configuration screen, and then enter the panel PC's IP address and port number in a web browser's address bar (1), e.g. the web application downloads from the panel PC and displays in the web browser, the screen from which the web application w
Jan 13th 2020
ComfileHMI + MCU Solution
Touch Screen GUIs (Graphic user interfaces) are becoming more ubiquitous than ever.
For mass production, MCUs (micrcontrollers) must be used to keep costs down, but it can take a lot of effort to interface an MCU with a graphical LCD.
Displaying text requires first creating fonts. TrueType fonts can be used, but they require additional effort and hardware resources, so typically bitmap fonts are used.
To make an attractive user interface also requires support for images (e.g
Oct 10th 2019